Nalanda College of Pharmacy
( Approved By AICTE, PCI & Government of Telangana And Affiliated To JNTUH
Charlapally(vil), Hyd-Road, Nalgonda Dist, Pin-508001, Telangana State )

For Management Seats
Contact : Mr.R.Krishna Reddy
Administrative Officer
+91 9848462225
Councelling Code :NCOP

  S.No   Member Name   Actual Designation   Designation in the committee   Mobile Number
  1   Dr. K. Rajeswar Dutt   Principal   Chairman   9959187031
  2   Mr. R. Krishna Reddy   A.O.   Convener   9848462225
  3   Dr. Y. Krishna Reddy   Professor   Member   9059892327
  4   Miss V. Sirisha   Assistant Professor   Member   8186060685
  5   Miss. B. Nagamani   Asst. Professor   Member   9912865856

Duties & Responsibilities:

1. To implement the guidelines framed by PCI to eradicate the menace of ragging effectively.

2. To conduct review meetings periodically.

3. To communicate the decisions of the committee to the concerned authorities.

Anti Ragging Email: